Wisdom Meditators' Community
Wisdom Meditation
Mons 8.30 - 9.30 PM | zoom
Weds 8.30 - 9.30 PM | zoom
Metta Meditation
Suns 8.30 - 9.30 AM | zoom
Learn to chant (Thai-style)
Thurs 8.30 - 9.30 PM | zoom

This is a group of friendly & supportive community in Malaysia founded by late Bro James Ong. At present, Dr. Sean Pritchard (Uvansa) and Ariya Baumann (Ariya Nani) drop in occasionally to give Dhamma Talks and guided meditation.
Our practice is based on the Great Discourse on the Fourfold Establishment of Mindfulness (MahaSatipatthana Sutta). We meet weekly to stay on course with formal meditation & daily life practice. Once a year, we organise and attend Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation in the tradition of Ven. Mahasi and/or Metta Meditation Retreats for deepening of our practice. Once in a few months, we meet to perform Sanghikadana and build fellowship.​
You are very welcome to join us.

Bro. James Ong
Late Bro James, founding teacher, was previously ordained as a monk in Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre, Penang, Malaysia where his teacher Phra Dhammabarnchanvud was the founder.
He was teaching Wisdom Meditation and Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation for five decades. During these times, he stressed the importance of going back to the orthodox practice as taught by the Buddha in the Maha Satipatthana Sutta. With this aim, Bro James authored two meditation handbooks, in which he explained the practice in the simplest way possible. He also made the practice accessible and its direction clear with many daily-life examples.
"Be a lamp unto yourself". He explained, "that means, to be anchored to the Wisdom Meditation practice as taught by the Buddha in the Maha Satipatthana Sutta as your refuge. That's the lamp. That's the way to total freedom from suffering."

Shymiin Silena C
Sis Shymiin started practising Wisdom Meditation in 1993, primarily guided by Bro James Ong. She has also done long retreats under the guidance of Ven. Uvamsarakhitha of Chanmyay Yeiktha, which combines both Metta and Vipassana meditation techniques and also at Panditarama centres.
In 2007, she began her training to guide under Bro James and has been assisting in his meditation classes since.

Many volunteers and supporters have contributed in service, cash and many different ways to make the propagation possible. Present admins include: Sis Peggy, Sis BB, Bro Jimmy and Bro Leong (Fellowship & Coordinators); Bro Chiam (Technical); Bro Max (Lead chanter/Chanting teacher), Sis Kim Gek, Sis Tsuey Mei and Bro Loo (Chanters); Sis Mei Leong & Sis Tsuey Mei (General Enquiries & Treasurer); and Sis Shymiin (Group Practice). Sadhu sadhu sadhu!

Ariya Baumann
Ven. Ariya was born and raised in Winterhur. During those years, she did a lot of sports, engaged in the girl scouts, and loved to play classical guitar. During her training to become a music & dance teacher education teacher at the Conservatory in Zurich, she began to meditate. In 1992, she went to Burma (Myanmar) to the Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditaiton Centre, ordained as a Buddhist nun and practised many years of mindfulness meditation (vipassana) and loving kindness meditation (metta) under the guidance of Sayadaw U Janaka. After learning Burmese, she began translating individual interviews and Dhamma talks for the Burmese teachers. In 2006, she moved to the Chanmay Myaing Meditation Centre established by Sayadaw U Indaka where she also began to teach. She has been teaching vipassana and metta meditation retreats worldwide since 1999. In 2013, she disrobed and moved back to Switzerland to take care of her father and continued to teach since his death.

Dr. Sean Pritchard (Uvansa)
Sean Pritchard spent many years as a Buddhist monk in the Burmese Mahasi tradition under the guidance of the Venerable Chanmyay Sayadaw (U Janaka). He traveled worldwide teaching Vipassana and Metta practices to many different cultures and nationalities. He holds a PhD in clinical psychology and has a counselling practice in Vancouver BC. The practices taught at his retreat will provide a lifetime of tools and techniques to gain insight into the inner world and workings of the mind. Both beginners and seasoned meditators will benefit from the supportive and skillful guidance of this well experienced teacher.